Janaazah Salaah

Straightening the saffs for Janaazah Salaah

Q: During janaza namaaz, if there is a large crowd and space is limited, very often there is no continuation is some of the saffs. In order to rectify this, the only way will be to request the musallees at the back to move out of this area and begin rectifying the saffs from the first saff. In such circumstances, will it be in order to perform the namaaz as is because of the difficulty and the time involved in rectifying this?

Thana of Janaazah Salaah

Q: I was told the extra words in the Sana of Janaza salah وجل ثناءوك (wajalla sanauka) should not be recited in Janazah salaah because it is not proven from Hadith or the practice of the Sahaba and is a bidat. Is this correct?