Janaazah Salaah

Some Janaazah related questions


  1. Where should the eyes of the Muqtadi in Janazah Salaah be focused upon?
  2. Congregational Du'a is made after the Janazah Salaah by the Imaam of the Janazah Salaah. Is this correct?
  3. When the bier is being transported, some people approach, simply hold the bier for one, two seconds, and then leave. Whilst others just touch the bier and move away. It is done as a way of 'assistance' in carrying the bier. Is this correct?
  4. When reciting Qur'an Shareef at the grave of a deceased relative, where should the reciter be positioned?
  5. Should recitation be done loudly or silently? (Provided others will not be disturbed if done loudly)
  6. A person is reciting Qur'an Shareef at the grave of a deceased relative. Will joining a funeral procession, the Janazah Salaah (performed in the kabristan), and being present at the time of actual burial, take preference? 
  7. Some people, just before leaving the gate of the kabristan, turn around and face the kabristan. They then raise their hands and make a congregational, loud, Du'a. Is this correct?
  8. The placing of lit incense sticks (Agarbatti) on the graves? Is this correct?
  9. Mufti Saheb, please suggest a suitable kitaab on these matters of Janazah and burial etc.

Janaazah related questions


  1. Do the Saffs for janazah salaah have to be straightening as the saff for normal salaah?
  2. Is passing in front of the musalli in janazah salaah serious as the other salaah?
  3. Who has got more right to pray the janazah salaah on a mayyit; the imam of the locality or the wali of the mayyit?
  4. In the case where the mayyit is from another locality, which imam has the priority, the local imam or the imam of that particular locality?
  5. Is it Mustahab to make special journey to visit the graves of the awliyah?
  6. Is it mustahab to cover with a cloth the grave of such girls who did not yet reach the age of puberty, but they have sexual desires (similar to those matured girls)?

Some Hadith questions pertaining to Janaazah


  1. A Hadith of reciting “minha khalaqnakum..” while throwing sand in the qabr is mentioned in mirqat vol 4 pg 189, please tell me how authentic it is?
  2. The Hadith of Abu Hurayrah (Radiyallahu Anhu) mentioned in Muwatta Imam Malik (RA) about the way we hanafis perform janaza salaah (without surah fatihah), has any of the muhadditheen and fuqaha proved its authenticity?

Please give me the references from the books of hadith.

Some questions relating to Janaazah Salaah


  1. The Hadith: "You should inform me about anyone from you who passed away, indeed my prayer is a blessing for him. I’la us Sunan vol 8 pg 326. Is it authentic?
  2. Where it is better to pray the janazah salaah in the sehn of the masjid or in the graveyard where janazah salaah is usually prayed and that place is specifically for janazah Salaah?
  3. Making two salaams in janazah prayer. Please give me the references.