makkah mukarramah

Using history to prove laws of Deen

Q: I would like to ask you a question regarding Islamic law, connected with my PhD research. My research is about a Jewish man who became a Christian in Venice in 1595. From the years 1574-1593 he worked as the 3rd physician at the court of Sultan Murat iii in Istanbul. In the year 1580/ Islamic year 999 he accompanied the Valide Sultan to Medina and Mecca. Was it at that time possible that a Jewish physician visited Mecca, because he was the physician of the Valide Sultan? Or was it at that time for him already obligatory to revert to Islam in order to visit Mecca?

Going to Madina before Makkah

Q: If a person is planning to perform umrah, should he go to Makkah first or he may go to Madina first and then Makkah? Some ulma say that it is good to go to Madina first, visit shuhada-e-uhud as according to a Holy prophet's one quotation implies that it makes our prophet more happy if one visits shuhada-e-uhad before he makes ziarat of the holy prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and after spending his planned days in Madinah finally goes to makkah and performs umrah if one seeks the best from Allah. Is this thought valid? And if one performs his umrah in this manner keeping this in mind, would that umrah be valid?