
Repentance and tawbah

Q: I do pray obligatory prayers and two rakaats of nafl in the end of each obligatory prayer every single day. How else should I make tawba? Please guide me with more ways to repent to Allah Ta'ala and what are the duas asked for forgiveness from Allah Ta'ala.


Q: Dear Mufti Saheb, In Tuhaftul Almai, pg.219 vol.2, is mnentioned that when making sajdah sahw according to Imam Abu Haneefah, the correct method is to recite all the duas first, then make salaam to the right, then 2 sajdas and then recite tashahhud only, then salaam. Is this the correct procedure. If not, then what is the correct one? Would be grateful if you mention some hawalas.

The Shar'ee law regarding khula'

Q: If a woman asks her husband to set her free from her marriage (asking for talaaq or khula') because her husband had found out that she has a boyfriend that she refuses to severe ties with and even if the husband reluctantly agrees to her unreasonable demand even after numerous meetings and compromises. Can husband ask the wife to return all his belongings like Mehr, jewellery, clothes, holidays as the husband did not gave her as gift. What is sharia ruling regarding husbands rights? Does the husband have the right to demand the return of all his items. Can you please give us the sharia ruling on this matter Wallahu Alam. The husband demands return of his property as a precondition before giving khula. Jazakallah

Qadha Salaah

Q: Please confirm if the following way is correct or not? If one has a lot of Qada to complete, then one must perform them quickly. One may recite Subhaan-Allah (سبحان الله) 3 times instead of Sura Fateha only in the empty Rakaats (the third and fourth Rakaats in 4 Rakaat Fard (i.e.Zohr, Asr and Esha) or the third Rakaat in 3 Rakaat Salaah (Maghrib). There is no harm if one reads one Tasbeeh instead of three in the Ruku and Sojood. The Fard will be completed. One may read this Darood Shareef (Salawaat) اللهم صل على سيّدنا محمد و آله in Tashahud instead of the complete Darood-e-Ibraheem. In Witr, read رب اغفري once instead of the complete Du’a-e-Qonoot.