
Feeling that someone is sitting on one

Q: From about many years, I feel that somebody sits on me when I suddenly get awaken from my sleep. At that time, I use to be awake but suddenly my eyes get closed under pressure and my mouth gets closed. I try to shout but can't. I also feel somebody is walking in my room and from about a year I even hear some words which that person makes in my ear during that time which I don't understand. As a result of this, my heart has become very weak though I offer prayers five times a day and also recite ayat ul qursi and four quls (surah kafiroon, surah iklas. surah falaq. surah nas) but still undergo this. Same was happening with my father who passed away last year. Same also happens with my sister and mother but rarely. I even hear knocking sounds on door during this. Please tell me something about this.

Observing purdah

Q: I started practising purdah since marriage and encouragement from my wife. As a result my female cousins and their parents have taken offence and caused disunity. I work in a hospital amongst nurses and female colleagues (doctors). How do I correct my home situation? What stance must I take regarding family functions/dawats? How do I behave at work? Am I allowed to speak to staff colleagues regarding patient matters and my other work arrangements? Am I allowed to: 1. Initiate a greeting? 2. Treat female patients? 3. Give feedback to female spouses?