Factors that make Zakaat compulsory

Nisaab for zakaat for husband and wife


1. I have question regarding zakat. I am a married and a house wife. My husband is working in another city. My husband gives me money monthly for home purchases and some pocket money. We don't have our own house, we just bought a piece of land 5 months ago and want to build a house. My husband has 7000 dollars and I have more than 100 grams of gold. So is zakat and qurbani waajib on me and on my husband or do we first have to build our house?

2. If qurbani and zakat is waajib on us, do we have to pay zakat separately and do qurbani separately?

Which type of debts will be deducted when calculating zakaat?

Q: I was informed by certain Ulama that when calculating my Zakaat, I should only exclude my yearly liabilities and debts. Apart from that, I should pay Zakaat on my entire wealth. These Ulama explain that the reason for excluding the yearly instalments and liabilities is that it is treated as a debt that is payable immediately. The liabilities and debts over and above the yearly instalments will not be taken into account since it is Mu’ajjal (deferred). Is this view correct?

Is zakaat compulsory upon a person who is in debt?


1. Zaid bought a house on mortgage, he owes the bank a lot of money, about 70 thousand pounds, he has to pay at least 5 thousand pounds to the bank every year. Zaid has 5 thousand pounds savings in his account (kept the money for daily family usage) does he have to pay zakat on this amount (5 thousand pounds) at the end of the year because his debt is more than his savings?

2. Is there a difference of opinion amongst scholars regarding the above situation if zakat is fardh or not?

3. Will it be permissible for Zaid to take zakat money to pay of his mortgage to the bank?