second wife

Taking a second wife

Q: I have been married from 10+ years. I have a daughter of 8 years. It was a marriage arranged from my family. When I saw my wife after marriage, I didn't like her but I kept patience. But since then she does things which I deny or do not allow. Then she joined a job which I said don't do. Her father supported her. Then also I kept patience. She never takes care of me like whenever I say my legs are paining or my I have headache she doesn't care and do not apply oil or do not massage despite my order. But the last thing which is very much troubling me is that she has no or very little sex drive. Approximately 1 out of 3-4 times only she agrees. I never dominate. I have asked her many times to her and her family that I will marry another girl but she is not changing and not even her family is taking this seriously. From last 3-4 years I am thinking to marry another girl. I have enough property and feel that I will able to treat them equally and with justice. 1) Whats your suggestion? 2) Is the anger of my first wife and my daughter's sadness which may come in consequence of marrying another girl, right?

Taking a second wife

Q: Is it permissible for me to take another wife?

My wife fell pregnant after 16 years with twins and thereafter a 3rd child. Since then she has been living at her parent's home which is already 2 years now. I understand that in the initial stages it was very difficult but now they have grown up so it is a little easier. I am very depressed at home as I really miss my wife and children around me. I live with my parents, but we have totally seperate quarters.

My wife always made excuses that she cant manage on her own. I am prepared to get a domestic worker to assist her with house chores and my parents are also prepared to help.

My parents dont see their long awaited grandchildren for many many months. I always travel on the weekends to visit my children but I really miss them when I am back home. Its really lonely without a wife and children for so long and heartbreaking to leave them. I also became a father after 16 years but have never seen the milestones of my children and how they grew up. Sometimes I actually cry myself off to sleep thinking about my children. My mother always cries and pines for her grandchildren which she was so excited for. I also admire other women who gave birth and returned home and can make an effort to manage. I always wonder how mums with twins managed on their own? My wife did come home for a week when the children were smaller but claimed the house is too small for 3 kids and she can't manage.

Will it be permissible for me to make a second nikah without informing my wife as I dont know how long more she intends staying at her parents house as I am very lonely and depressed.

Making a condition that husband cannot take a second wife while married to the first wife

Q: I once asked my ustaaz whether it is okay for a woman to state in the nikaah contract that while she is married to the man he cannot get another wife. I was told that it is incorrect to do such a thing because it is permissible to have more than one wife and you are not allowed to make it impermissible upon him. Basically you can't make haraam upon him that which is halaal. Could this please be clarified.

Getting married to please one's uncle

Q: My husbands uncle asked him to marry his cousin. She lives in Kenya and we live in the US. I am okay with it but my husband is telling me that he feels like he is deceiving her because he doesnt think he can take the responsibility but he doesnt want to get his uncle mad and he regrets accepting it. What I want to know is, is it wrong for me to make dua saying "Allah, if he cant take the responsibility, may Allah not make the marriage happen" because I dont want the girl in sadness because she is my sister? I dont want her to miss the chance of having someone that will love her and not be forced because the father wanted?

Taking a second wife

Q: If wife dont want to have sex for a long time even if I ask for it (I need a boy baby). She said that I can't. Hence if I go have sex with other women to relax my feelings, is this a sin or what can I do for sex? From my side I am giving how much I can.

Taking a second wife

Q: I am married for seven years and have two kids aged 5 years and one eleven months old daughter. Whenever I seek intercourse from my wife, she declines me nine out of ten times, because she is either busy, she is tired most of the times, she is not well and that she has to take care of the children (these are the reasons according to her) and I am left being frustrated and when this kind of reasons are given I cannot oppose it and ask her forcefully. Sometimes we have intercourse just once in many weeks. I do not know what to do about this situation because it creates lots of frustration sometimes. Please help me with this. Also my wife feels that two children are enough where as I do want another child. She has refused me and have warned me as well to go leave her if I want another child. What I can do is in this situation to convince her?