second wife

Taking a second wife

Q: I am 41 years old. I got married 10 years ago. I have a daughter 9 years old and son 4 years. My wife is patient of multiple sclerosis. She has been sluggish since marriage. She cannot manage home and family matters. I am over burden as am job doing person. I want to opt second marriage and will keep first one with me. Please guide me what Islam says on this.

Marital problems

Q: Since my childhood me and my cousin liked eachother. It's been around 8 years that we are married to eachother and have 2 sons. During these 8 years she kept misbehaving with me and even kept abusing me often. I complained to her parents so many times to forbid her not to use slang words and not to abuse me but her parents never paid serious attention to my complains and always supported their daughter. I tried my best to make our married life happy but the situation did not change at all and even went worse day by day. During this time she kept asking me to divorce her on several occassions. Moreover she never respected my parents as well. The time kept passing with the same circumstances and I was completely faded up with the circumstances. Different people said that our couple is effected by black magic.

Few months ago, I fell in love with my office colleague. She was first my good friend and I shared my problems with her as a friend. At that time she was engaged with someone else. Suddenly her engagement was broken due to some family issues and then she asked me if I can marry her. I replied positively. But she put a condition that I will have to divorce my first wife before marry her. I replied positively without thinking anything. I fell in deep love with her and as the days passed she fell in love with me too. At that time I decided to divorce my first wife and then marry her. That girl continuously kept forcing me to divorce my first wife without wasting any more time. I kept trying to divorce her but something was stopping me to do so, may be because of my children and our parents and family. I wasn't getting any chance to divorce her. Finally I tried to divorce her but our parents and family members got involved in this matter and all came to know that I am doing this because I wanted to marry the other girl. According to Muftis the divorce which I issued to her was counted as a single divorce and I had 3 months to revive my marriage. Different Maulanas said that I was affected by black magic by a girl and that's why I am so desperate to divorce my first wife. Everyone in my family blammed me without understanding the problems of my married life which I have been facing for 8 years. I was so desperate to marry that girl and I found a way. I told that girl clearly that I will not divorce my first wife and wanted to marry her as well, she agreed as she was in deep love with me. So, I moved to UAE alone to find a job and finally I got a job and I came to Pakistan to marry that girl, thought that I would take her to UAE with me after marrying her and after some time I will let my parents know about my second marriage. I kept everything highly confidential. Only few of my friends know about it. I came to Pakistan for 4 days. Asked my friends to play a role as my elder brother and his wife and went to that girl's home for my marriage propsal. Me and that girl told her parents a lie that I was divorced, didn't tell anything that I am already married. I lied to her parents that my parents can't come for my marriage proposal as they were in Saudia and that's why my elder brother (who was actually my friend) and his wife have arrived for my marriage proposal. Next day, we arranged a small ceremony and did Nikah on 12th February, 2017 and I took her to UAE with me, keeping everything highly confidential. After few days my first wife came to know about my second marriage and she again started misbehaving with me, used slang language with me and insulted me. My parents still do not know about my second marriage till date and I do not know why but I can not dare to inform my parents about my second marriage. I do not want to divorce my first wife now and even do not want to leave my second wife, as I am happy with my second wife and she respects and cares about me alot. Now I am too much worried as my first wife is continuously asking me to divorce my second wife and my second wife has also asked me for few times to divorce my first wife. I do not want to divorce any of them, as if I leave either of them, their life will be spoiled and effected in a very bad way and on the other side my parents still do not know about anything whatever is going on and I can not dare to inform my parents. I am afraid of their reaction after knowing about my second marriage. My second marriage is based on a lie, as her family members except her mother do not know that I am already married and even they do not know that who went there for my marriage proposal were not my real brother and brother's wife.

Please guide me the best solution in the light of Islam and your best knowledge.

Taking a second wife

Q: I want to do second marriage... I like one lady and I asked my wifes permission many times but failed... She behaves abnormally and said that she will leave home with the kids and will never contact me etc. I want to get married since i like this lady and want to contact her in halaal way but in these conditions, I am so depressed. I never want to lose my first wife and on the other hand, I also dont want to lose my love. Sometimes I think about secret nikah and not declare it but I dont know what to do.

Taking a second wife

Q: I have two questions to ask A) If a muslim husband if found to have had illegal sex with a christian woman as he fell in love with her, can his wife permit and support the woman to change her religion to islam and marry him? B)A wife wants to do sterility surgery in order to stop delivery as she has 3 little kids. But her husband did not permit her to do so. After that the husband chooses a second wife and abstains from sex with the first wife so that they wont have kids anymore. Whats the ruling regarding such a case in Islam?

Marital problems

Q: I would like your advice, other than interpretation of dreams, regarding my first wife. It is understandable the shock she had about hearing about my second marriage, but at that point I did not deny it and I accepted it and told her the circumstances and reasons for taking this step. Now she is in constant denial and acceptance. For a while she relaxes and then starts again, suffering herself and making me suffer too. I would like to say that my second wife is in Indonesia. And I have told my first wife many times, that look at the big picture, I am here, with you alive and well, but she sometimes gets relieved, but after a short while, she starts again. It is affecting me very hugely, because I am in a high pressure job. First wife also had gynecological problems. I am taking her for medical help, but that will only work if she believes in herself . I need your advice.


Q: I have two dreams needing interpretation.

First dream: My 1st wife had repeatedly seen this dream but it stopped after I got married to my second wife: She saw that she has built a house and one day she sees another house in the back which has never seen before and she sees the back of someone, she senses that there is someone living with a family there and tells them to get out of her house. She kept seeing this dream till I got married to my second wife.

Second dream: She had this dream yesterday between asr and maghrib. She saw she has built a house and there is water on the roof of the house and dripping below. After a while she sees that the water is dried on the roof but still water is dripping below. Please advice about the interpretation of both dreams

Parents forcing one to divorce one's wife

Q: I am a male 36 years old. I was first married to my cousin 9 years ago and currently having 2 kids with her, 8 and 6 years old. Few months back I got married to a girl. This girl is from my family and is an illegitimate girl. I didn't know about her past and what zina her parents did. Her parents got married afterwards giving birth to her in 5 months after wedding. I have no issues as I believe that she is innocent and all fault goes to her parents. My parents do not agree to this marriage and are forcing me to leave her and the sole reason they are giving is because she is illegitimate. They are forcing me to a level saying to either leave her (divorce her) or leave them or they will kill themselves. I am in deep issues as I don't want to leave her in the middle of nowhere. I can fulfil rights of both the ladies as well as my kids and have offered them to keep any guarantees whatsoever.

Is the second marriage valid without permission from the first wife?

Q: I have two questions and seeking answers in the light of Islam:

1. I am already married and I did second marriage abroad without the knowledge of my first wife. My mother knew that I will be going for second marriage. I did my second marriage according to shari’a in the presence of wali, two witnesses and guests including my second wifes family, friends and neighbours. My second wife has three children from her previous marriage and her marriage was invalid because her ex was a Christian convert but along the way he became murtid (actually he didn’t become Muslim by heart at all and my second wife knew that) conditions forced her to go for divorce and it was granted by shari’a court. After just a few days after my marriage my first wife found out and I returned to my home country. Naturally there was hue and cry and me being told that my second marriage is invalid because I didn’t take permission then saying its invalid because I cant give equal rights. I would like to clear this that my second wife knew that it would be difficult for me to come often but as for financial rights I can do that regularly. Now my second wife is being burdened by her conscience that she is the cause of hurt and anguish and telling me to leave her. I have been handling the situation here in my home country and now I have to face the pressure from my second wife. One thing is a fact that I will not divorce anyone. I always prayed to Allah that if he blesses me with second marriage then make me able to do justice in the best of my ability. Im telling both of them to relax and let Allah show the way. But they are not letting my brain relax. Is my second marriage valid and how to sooth this situation?

2. My second wife is having dreams which she thinks means that I should divorce her, while I'm telling her that divorce itself is an act with which Allah is not pleased with and these dreams are from shaitan. I would like to quote a few dreams which she told me”

a. In the first dream she saw her, my wife and another girl in bed with me and she was telling the other girl how to serve me.

b. In the second dream she saw me with my first wife and she herself was standing on the edge of an island and we were looking at each other and then she walked away. She thinks these are indications that I should divorce her. I would like to emphasize that my second wife has had a troubled and being ignored history since her teens, even ignored and turned out from home by her father when he remarried after his first wife died. I will not continue with her previous life, just like to mention that it has left scars on her emotionally. Im awaiting guidance.