Gold, silver and cash

Zakaat on cash

Q: My question is about nisaab of zakaat on cash only.

I do not have any thing like gold or silver but just some cash. Please tell me on how much cash will I be liable to pay zakat. Will the nisaab of gold apply as cash is an alternate to gold in banks? 

Changing the nisaab from silver to gold

Q: Lately I was informed that on account of the price of the Qurbaani animals increasing in certain places, some scholars have suggested that the Nisaab should change from silver to gold to make it easy for the people so that they will not have to do the Qurbaani. Will it be permissible for one to accept this opinion and pay Zakaat and do Qurbaani only if one possesses wealth that equals the gold Nisaab? The silver Nisaab is 612,36g of silver, which, at present, is approximately R4 764 and the gold Nisaab is 87,48g of gold which, at present, is approximately R50 000. According to this, a lot of people who possess wealth less than R50 000, but more than R4 764 will not have to do Qurbaani and nor will they have to discharge Zakaat.

Resizing rings

Q: Is resizing of rings or other jewellery permissible in Islam? If so, does one have to pay zakat based on the original weight of the jewellery or the new reduced weight?

Zakaat on gold

Q: There are different concepts regarding taking out zakat on your gold. Some people say that you have to take it out on the price you will purchase that amount of gold (new gold price), some say that you need to deduct 12 mashaay, some say that on the amount you will sell your gold you have to take zakat on that amount of money. I cannot take my gold every year to the goldsmith to measure and then to take out the zakat due to the reasons of security. Can you please guide me the correct method in the light of Quran and Sunnah. For example if I have 12.947 tola of gold, and the rate of gold is as follows:

24K 10 Grams = Rs 42128

24K Per Tola = Rs 49150

22K 10 Grams = Rs 38617

What would be the amount to be taken out as zakat on the above mentioned gold rates?