
Why does a boy inherit more than a girl?


1) Can you give detailed explanation on why does a son has more share on the wealth of his parents than a daughter? How shall a property/asset be distributed among 4 daughters and a son?

2) What's the Islamic perspective of a daughter's lineage - Is her lineage regarded as her and her in laws' descendants only? I read somewhere that Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) stated about Hazrat Hussain (R.A) and Hazrat Hassan (R.A) being his bloodline whereas, generally, a child is a descendent of his father and beyond him.

3) Can we consider Hazrat Hajra being the most prominent islamic woman of all time - due to the obvious historical struggle she had in Makkah and her struggle is being remembered every year during hajj and umrah whereas no other woman has been given this much importance.

Haraam relationship

Q: I had a friend and both of us were very good friends. And also we both decided to marry with our parents permissions, but suddenly everything destroyed, now she don't even talk to me for the last 2 years and I am having very difficult times. Last night she came to my dream and was like she want to talk with me and make me ask her to continue that relationship again and talk to her parents later on. What does that mean? Both of us are attracted towards each other and she can't ask her parents. Sowhat was that?

Parents refusing to let the boy come to see the girl due to his cast

Q: There is a family who want to come to my parents to ask for a marriage proposal for their son and me. I appreciate their son and I agree for their proposal. But my parents don't let them come. They don't want to even hear about their proposal because of their cast. We are Pakistani. We are from the upper cast and their are from the lower one. My parents don't know the guy nor his family but they are not even ready to meet them. They told me that they prefer keeping me unmarried than marry me to this guy because of cast, because of the dunya. They told me that what would they say to the people if I marry that guy. Is their reaction right in Islam? If the guy agrees for the marriage and I agree too, if both of us are happy with this marriage, is it right for my parents to stop the marriage, to not let it happen? I am 26 and the guy's family want to come since 2014, it has been 2 years that my parents refuse and delay my marriage whereas the guy is religious. Please can you help me and reply to my questions about it.