Recipients of Zakaat

Using one's zakaat to pay for one's mother's treatment

Q: I am a 70 year old retired person and have no means of income besides some investments in Islamic bonds. I pay Zakat Alhamdollilah every year to deserving persons. My 100 year old mother fell seriously sick and had a Paralysis stroke and presently is in Coma stage. She is attended by two female nurses [12 hours duty each] and one Physiotherapist at my home besides her prescribed medications. I am aware that I am not allowed to give Zakat money to Parents. However, cost incurred by me on her treatment and Nursing / Physiotherapy is beyond my reach as I have a very limited pension type income. Can I pay her treatment, Nursing and Physiotherapy expenses from my Zakat fund?

Can the wife give the husband zakaat

Q: I am very concerned regarding zakaat. I got married last year and my husband is not well settled yet. He is completing his education and spending all his money on his family as being the eldest. With my job I support him and I feel happy for that. My question is he has taken a lot of loans from many people for establishing his business. Can I offer my zakaat to him so he can undo his loans and become a little easy, as he cannot save a single coin from his salary and I've to take out Rs 30k annually. I'm only worried about his loans. Other household expense I can share, but for loans can I give him zakaat?

Giving zakaat to refugees

Q: There are a lot of refugees currently needing support. Would it be ok to use part of the zakaat for buying products that are needed e.g diapers for the babies and donating these products as part of zakaat? Products are collected centrally and distributed amongst the refugees at that location.

Giving one's brother zakaat

Q: If my brother is in debt for 200k earns +- 14k also has old lay-bys that he pays for every month, has two children, rents a flat, has house expenses plus petrol, always ends up taking money and food from my mum, can my mom and I give him our zakaat or interest money to pay his debts?