Recipients of Zakaat

Wife giving zakaat to her husband

Q: My husband is in heavy debts. I have a good amount of gold given to me in my marriage as a gift by my parents, in-laws and relatives. The zakat on gold amounts to thousands of rupees. I am a housewife so whatever my husband gives me for my personal expenses is the only income I have. First year of my marriage I sold a few items of my gold and paid off the zakat to nearest relatives who were in need. Now I heard about this following hadith: Al-Bukhaari (1462) and Muslim (1000) from Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him), that when the Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) commanded the women to give in charity, Zaynab the wife of ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood came to him and said: “O Prophet of Allaah, today you told us to give in charity. I have some jewellery and I want to give it in charity, but Ibn Mas’ood claims that he and his child are more deserving of my charity.” The Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “Ibn Mas’ood has spoken the truth. Your husband and child are more deserving of your charity.” So I ask you if you could clear my doubts regarding it accordingly. Can I give the amount my husband gave to me for my peesonal expenses as zakat back to my husband so he could pay off his debts? 

Using zakaat money for students fees

Q: Please advice on the following: If a Darul Uloom collects zakat and their financials indicate that the bulk of the funds are for wages etc. When we asked them about it, they responded that we receive zakat for the students fees from donors. The funds directed to the payments of fees would become lillah. Please advise if this is permissible.

Using zakaat funds to pay for expensive medication

Q: I am a dialysis patient requiring medication every month for approximately 1 year and if not taken, it can be life threatening. Due to the price of these medications being expensive and way out of my budget, so a Muslim medical organisation offered to pay for the medication but through zakaat funds. My question is that despite being sahib-e-nisab, will it be permissible to accept it in this dire circumstance?

Avenues of zakaat


1. Can my wife use her zakat money to send my parents or other relatives to hajj?

2. Can she save her zakat money for two or three years so that it reaches certain amount and could be used for bigger causes?

3. What are the ways in which the zaakat money can be used, like school or university education of a Muslim student?

4. Can it be used to support parents or in laws?

Becoming eligible for zakaat due to debts

Q: Whilst running my business I incurred huge debts in the past few years, and for this reason I had to close my business and was forced to leave my home country for safty reasons. Now for almost two years I'm in a foreign land with my family. Both my wife and I are working. Some of the people who I owe are in the hope that I will one day pay them Inshallah. Now that I'm working and thus the salary what we both receive does not suffice our monthly expenses which includes house rent, school fees, and other day to day expenses. Expenses are more than double the amount we receive as salary. My wife has almost 250g of gold jewellery which was left in my home country which is still belongs to her. And over here where we stay now, we do not own anything unnecessary. Now Mufti saheb my question is

(a) In this scenario am I allowed to collect zakaat funds to overcome my monthly expenses?

(b) I'm I allowed to collect zakaat funds to clear my past business debt?