
Blood going down the throat unknowingly

Q: My gums are sensitive and bleed when I brush my teeth. I try to not swallow when my gums are bleeding however some saliva goes to my throat and since, short of actually throwing up, it would be quite difficult to get that back up and out, I end up swallowing whatever escapes to my throat. Also, my gums tend to continue bleeding (very lightly) for hours afterwards and not swallowing at all for that long seems near impossible. I don't swallow whatever remains in my mouth, and I try to not let it go to my throat. Am I sinning?

Performing Salaah with a sweet taste in the mouth

Q: If your mucus/phlegm has become sweet because of something sweet you ate then will it be okay to pray in that condition? Like in Ramadan when everyone drinks milkshake and eats dates when they break their fast and then they just wash their mouth out with water and stand up for Maghrib Salah even though their mucus is still sweet and the back of their throat is still sweet. Sometimes your mucus remains pink even after you wash your mouth out. What happens if you swallow this pink mucus during salah? Is it sufficient to quickly rinse out your mouth with water before salah or should you wait until the sweet mucus goes away? Sometimes I only break fast with water then eat after I pray to avoid this problem. What is the best way to deal with this?

Swallowing saliva while fasting

Q: Does swallowing mouth saliva break ones fast?

1. Accidently remembering I am fasting (and not remembering I am fasting)

2. Deliberately remembering I am fasting (and not remembering I am fasting)

3. You are in a situation you can’t spit it out, but if you swallow it you know you will be having thoughts that it will satisfy your thirst even if you don’t want to satisfy it. What must you do? Ignore these thoughts? Situations are: are outside around people, 2. you are very tired and you are in your bed trying to sleep, 3. When we cry during dua we have a lot of saliva, swallowing it makes fast void or not? 4. If we have a lot of saliva but we are outside around people?