medical treatment

Consulting an experienced physician with regards to health matters

Q: I am a 24 year old unmarried woman living with my parents and siblings. I am having health problems and weight problems. Some of my health problems are schizophrenia and infection. I learned that water fasting is a way of curing these problems as they are deemed to be incurable by mainstream doctors so i have no option but to do it as I can do it and I have done it before and I want to obey the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) because he told us to strive for what benefits us and not to be lazy or incapable.

So my question is should I go ahead and obey the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and do what will benefit me or obey my parents and continue suffering.

What scares them when I want to do the water fasting is the fact that I will not be eating anything but water for 30-40 days and they are afraid that i will die when I do it. It has been scientifically proven that the human body can survive for forty days on water without food and there are many people all over the world that have done it and are still doing it and they are gaining benefits from it even curing cancer with it. My mental health problem of schizophrenia can be cured permanently with it because there is a man named Dr. Nikolayev who cures his patients with mental disorders with prolonged water fasting. During the water fast, the body thrives off its reserves and this can last for forty days (please you can google more about water fasting and its benefits and water fasting for schizophrenia).

I have explained it to them and I have tried my best to convince them. I even told them that there are health centres where people go for water fasting retreats to cure their diseases like the TrueNorth Health Center in America and another one in Germany and many others all over the world.

Should I go ahead and do it as the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) wants us to do what will benefit us or should I obey my parents and live with this incurable diseases?

Authentication of a story

Q: I heard a story about a Sahaabiyah named Aslamiya. She was described as a person with medical knowledge learnt from her father and when she asked Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) if it was permissible for her to treat those in need, Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said that it was indeed permissible. It was also stated that she trained a number of other women to do the same. I would just like to verify the authenticity of this story.

Using binaural beats for health issues

Q: My question is, can binaural beats be used by a Muslim if he/she just wants to do self help for getting rid of any kind of disease, skin problems, hair issues, obesity, depression, anxiety etc. Though he/she got exhausted by visiting so many doctors again and again and also used home remedies for getting rid of their health issues but nothing positively happend... If he/she just only considers that all the benefits will come from Almighty Allah if I use binaural beats to make my health and appearance better... Nothing and no one has power to grant the benefits and goodness but only Allah Almighty...

Nose surgery

Q: I have a very wide nose. Whenever I look at my nose I feel stressed and low confidence when meeting with people. My intention is not to look beautiful but I just want to get confidence. Can I undergo nose surgery to make my nose little smaller.

Using interest money for medical treatment and constructing toilets


1. Is it permissible to take money from an NGO or Charitable trust for medical treatment (Person who needs the money isn't capable enough to manage the expenditure)

2. Can we use interest money (Savings Bank account) for medical treatment of poor people.

3. Is it permissible to use money from interest received from a non Islamic bank for the purpose of construction of his/her own toilet.