medical treatment

Nose surgery

Q: My question is regarding septo-rhinoplasty. I have a deviated septum and outwardly the left nasal bone is wider then the right, giving an unpleasant appearance to the left side of the nose. This causes psychological distress and the deviated septum causes left side to be blocked, i.e there isn't full flow of air at certain times. The doctor said he will correct the deviation and will make the left nasal wide making it more natural and even. Along with this the nose will be defined and reduced in size in very conservative manner. I believe when they reduce left nasal bone to balance with the rest of face and make it look normal it would need to be defined to give normal appearance. Is it permissible?

Mother asking her children for financial assistance

Q: Is it wrong for a mother to seek some assistance from her sons, of which all three are working, even if her husband is working? My sons feel that I must first divorce my husband before they will help me or he must sell his car so he can have more money to maintain me. I only asked for R200 from each of them towards my medical costs. Please advise me if I am wrong in asking them for assistance.

Going to a hindu woman for massages for medical reasons

Q: I am a woman. I have sluggish blood circulation problem and severe anemia leading to weak heart and CHD. I do not wish to take the allopathic treatment which eventually leads to operations. I have been advised to take body massage as alternative. Can I go for massages by a hindu ayurvedic lady doctor. I am a married woman with grown up children.

Medical problem

Q: I am now a 21 year old boy. I have undescended testicles problem. I don't know from when it occurred from birth or after birth and I want that undescended testicles gets normal by dua.

Medical issues

Q: My question is regarding my daughter. She is currently 5 weeks old. When she was not born I decided to name her Khadijah but when she was born I changed her name to Anabiya. Since she has born till now she has something going on. First she had gas and when we changed her milk she was fine after that she got younger infection.

My question is that weather this is due to the fact that first her name since when she was not born our intention was a different name but after she was born we changed it. She also cries a lot can you please tell me a Surat or dua that I can read every time she cries? Can you respond to me as soon as possible as if I should change her name to Khadijah or leave it to Anabiya?

Kabootar bimaar aadmi ke sar par milaana

س: بہت سے لوگ علاج کے غرض سےکبوتر وغیرہ بیمار کے سر یا جسم کے ساتھ پہیر کر آزاد(اڑادیتے ) ہیں اور درج ذیل طریقے سے بہت سے مريضوں کو فائدہ بھی ہوا ہے تو سوال یہ ھے کہ اس طرح سے علاج کرنا جبکہ عقیدہ درست ہو اور غیر مسلموں والا نہ ھو جائز ھے کہ نہیں ?جواب عنایت فرمائںیں عین نوازش ہوگی