video chat

Skype and video calling one's wife

Q: I am living in Saudi and I am from Pakistan. I often call my wife through imo or skype. Sometime I feel a lot of sex and often I see some sex urine from me not urine but like urine white colour. I am sure that all men have this kind of urine before sex or after seeing some sex or woman but my question is if that water or urine come out, can I do zikar? If not then what to do? I love zikr, istighfaar, etc, but that is a big problem for me.

Video calling

Q: My uncle passed away yesterday. His daughter and uncles younger brother stay out of the country and for them it was not possible to reach before the funeral hence for the last dedaar ( viewing the face) video calling was made just to show the face of my uncle to his daughter and brother. No photographs/ video was saved of the janaza only video calling was done for 3-5 minutes. The same was also confirmed with the maulana who was present. It was just use of technology for showing the face of the expired person to his loved ones who could not reach on time. I would like to know if this act was permissible or was anything wrong done?