
Saving oneself from harm

Q: I am a student. Alhamdulillah I have whatever Allah has given me. In my hostel life, people from different rooms and floors comes to me asking for things? I reply with the truth, by saying I have that. Then they ask me to use it. Since I cannot say no, I lend them, but they never return it back to me. As I am a student I have a particular amount of money from my parents to spend for requirements. Now I have decided to tell them I don't have it (here my intention is that I don't have anything to give you, not that I don't have that thing), can I tell them like that? Else what can I do?

Apprehending harm from the first wife

Q: I am making nikkah soon Insha Allah. I will become a second wife to this man. He is married to a very violent woman and this is one of my concerns as she has already attacked me physically in public and I'm sure she won't stop. She isn't afraid of him, she swears and hits him, in public too. I love this man very much so I have made sacrifices to be with him. My other concern is that they are married in community of property, that means, what is his is theirs and that means whatever he buys for me will legally belong to them and not me, which also means that should he pass on, she can claim my home and leave me stranded. What are my rights once we married? He wants to get us an apartment while his first wife owns a house. He has set up a trust fund for her but nothing for me as yet. I feel like I will be second in everything. If I do marry him, it will be anc, in accordance to shariah. Am I right in being concerned for my future or am I being selfish? Please advise me.