Calculating zakaat

Wealth acquired before one's zakaat date

Q: My question is for zakaat, wealth should remain with a person for an "entire lunar year" then zakaat becomes wajib. My question is if a person has one million which remains with him for an entire lunar year, zakaat becomes wajib on him but if he gets half million one week before his zakaat date, does he need to pay zakaat on one million or 1.5 million. Please clarify. (Please note that half million which the person received did not remain with him for an entire lunar year).

Money obtained before the zakaat date

Q: The condition of Zakaat is that "One should have amount equal or greater than Nisaab amount for more than one year before Zakaat can be paid". My question is, if person receives extra money upon which one year has not passed; does he need to pay Zakaat on this extra money too which does not meet the requirement of "one year old"? Please clarify if zakaat is due only if the amount has been in one's possession for more than a year?

Zakaat on inheritance which one received after several years

Q: We inherited some jewellery from our parents, which was in the locker and after dad's death, we lost the access to the locker. Until recently we managed and weighed all jewellery and distributed among ourselves (we are four brothers and a sister) as per shariah. As no zakaat was paid on them since the father died, immediately two weeks after the distribution, my elder brother died. He didn't pay any zakaat on them. He had one wife, one son, three daughters. Are they supposed to pay zakaat for that unpaid 7 years period , and how shall they distribute among themselves?

Zakaat on extra clothes and books


1. I want to ask that if Zakaat is compulsory on the clothes which are rarely used i.e This time almost everyone has wardrobes filled with clothes from which some are used and others are rarely in use. Is zakaat fradh on these clothes or not?

2. Same way I am used to buying different books like Islamic books, Sciencebooks and others and have a huge amount of books at my home. Is Zakaat fardh on these books?

Adjusting the zakaat rate


a) Do you agree with those scholars that say that an adjusted rate of Zakaat i.e. 2.577 % should be used when the figures used to calculate ones zakaat are obtained from financial information that are released on an annual basis (solar calendar) example Annual Financial Statements of multinational companies.

b) If Mufti saheb does not agree with the above, what alternative does he suggest to calculate zakaat in the absence of any other financial information?

Calculating zakaat on investments

Q: I am a widow since four months. I have two daughters which are married. I don't have any brothers. In the presence of my husband there were 13 lacs deposited in saving. Every month I receive 10 thousand from income which is not enough for monthly expenditure that's why my husband's elder brother supports me. So basically my question to you is that am I supposed to give zakat on the 13 lacs?

Calculating one's zakaat when one has cash, gold and gold coins

Q: I have tried calculating my zakaat but unfortunately I get quite confused when gold is added. Will really appreciate some guidance on this.

1. I recently married and received pieces of jewellery which is less than 85 grams in total. Am I liable to pay zakaat on this?

2. I currently have 2 (1 oz) Kruger coins as well as 2 Mandela coins. When I researched the grams its 28.35 grams = 1 Ounce. The mandela coins have 5.1 grams of Gold and 2.68 grams of silver. Am I liable to pay zakaat on this?

I also have cash but shukr at least this I know how to calculate.