husband's consent

Court issuing a divorce without the consent of the husband

Q: My wife was divorced from her ex Husband. When she filed the divorce in America, her ex husband left for Pakistan and he never showed up in the court or Islamically gave her divorce or signed any paper. But the court in America awarded her the divorce and then she got married to me. In Islam did her previous divorce happen. Because after 2 years from the court order she got married to me. So I need to know if our nikah was valid?

Husband preventing his wife from serving her terminally ill parents

Q: Is it permissible for a husband to prevent his wife from visiting her terminally ill parents who live near her home and are in need of her khidmat as there is no one else to make their khidmat? If she goes to make khidmat of her ailing parents against her husband’s instruction, will she be sinful? What does Shari’ah command her to do in such a situation?

Mother getting the daughter married without the permission of the father

Q: I have  a lot of proposals for my daughter but they are not good. They dont pray and haram income. One good proposal came, he prays and is always attending the masjid and halaal income Masha Allah, but her father refused him because he is not from Yemen, he is from Libya and half Egyptian. Can I marry my daughter by force with out my husband's consent in this situation because he would rather give her to a zany as long as he is from Yemen then a practicing Muslim from a different country. What can I do in this situation.