
Using the nisaab of silver when calculating zakaat

Q: How to calculate the nisab of Zakaat in money? Should we take into consideration the nisab of silver or the nisab of gold? For information, in France, the price of one gram of silver was 0.63 euros in that month, and the price of gold was 40.15 euros. If one takes the nisab of silver to caluclate the nisab of goods in money, the amount is small. Would it be permissible to take into consideration the nisab of gold in this case presented? If it's possible, what would be the amount of nisab?

The obligation of zakaat

Q: I am a student dependant to my parents. According to the nisab of silver ($400) I am supposed to pay zakaat. And I didn't know this as I was told that nisab is $3000 (as per gold nisab). So should I pay zakaat? I had $500 saved up for about 2 years. Also I was also told that since I am not earning money and I am dependant and my parents do pay zakat, that I am not supposed to. Could you please elaborate?

Nisaab of zakaat

Q: If a person has a certain amount of cash only, has he to base his calculation for determining the nisaab based on existing rate of silver or gold? The reason is there is a vast difference in the market rate of a gram of silver and a gram of gold. Please advise. Jazakalkah.