
Doing aqeeqah for one's family


1. I want to know that I have a son that is 11 months. I want to do my, my wifes and my sons aqiqah on the same day. Is it possible because I don't know if my aqiqah was done or not because in our family aqiqah is mostly done on the occasion of marriage.

2. Also, give me details about how I do and what to do on the occasion of aqiqah so that we are safe from unwanted thing.s

3. And also I want to know, does me and my wife have to give silver equal to the hair in charity or can I pay the same price in cash? 

Changing the nisaab from silver to gold

Q: Lately I was informed that on account of the price of the Qurbaani animals increasing in certain places, some scholars have suggested that the Nisaab should change from silver to gold to make it easy for the people so that they will not have to do the Qurbaani. Will it be permissible for one to accept this opinion and pay Zakaat and do Qurbaani only if one possesses wealth that equals the gold Nisaab? The silver Nisaab is 612,36g of silver, which, at present, is approximately R4 764 and the gold Nisaab is 87,48g of gold which, at present, is approximately R50 000. According to this, a lot of people who possess wealth less than R50 000, but more than R4 764 will not have to do Qurbaani and nor will they have to discharge Zakaat.

Using the nisaab of silver when calculating zakaat

Q: How to calculate the nisab of Zakaat in money? Should we take into consideration the nisab of silver or the nisab of gold? For information, in France, the price of one gram of silver was 0.63 euros in that month, and the price of gold was 40.15 euros. If one takes the nisab of silver to caluclate the nisab of goods in money, the amount is small. Would it be permissible to take into consideration the nisab of gold in this case presented? If it's possible, what would be the amount of nisab?

Men wearing rings

Q: Recently, I heard in a sermon that it is not permissible for us, Muslims to wear rings made of stone or some other material or taweez with the belief that it will avoid harm and it will give us the blessings and barakah. In my locality most of the imams follow the trend of wearing such rings or taweez. Is it permissible for me to do namaz behind them?

Nisaab of zakaat

Q: If a person has a certain amount of cash only, has he to base his calculation for determining the nisaab based on existing rate of silver or gold? The reason is there is a vast difference in the market rate of a gram of silver and a gram of gold. Please advise. Jazakalkah.