Importance of Salaah with jamaat

Offering Salaah with Jamaat

Q: In the area which I live in is a Barelwee Musjid. I read most of my salah in this Musjid. For Fajr Salah the Muazzin, who is a Shafi'ee, performs the Salah. The thing is that the trustees don't allow him to read Qunoote Naazila because they are Hanafee so he is forced to leave it out. I heard that Qunoote Naazila is like wajib for Shafees. I feel that the Salah is deficient so I read Fajr at home. Will it be better for me to read Fajr in this Musjid or should I continue to read it at home? 

Salaat with jamaat

Q: I would like to know what is the shari implication on not performing salaat with jamaat. I noticed that many men who are fit and able do not make any attempt to come to the musjid for salaat with jamaat. Some even live within walking distance to the musjid. Also what I find very strange they are regular with work and other sporting activities.

If someone prays at home intentionally then is it sunnah for him to repeat the same salaah after he has prayed?

Q: One person said: "as praying in congregation is a strong sunnah, and although its intentionally abandoning is makruh tahrimi , the ulama said its repeating is sunnah." Does this mean if some does pray at home intentionally then it is sunnah for him to repeat the same salaah after he has prayed?

Attending only Fajr and Esha in the Musjid due to living far away

Q: I live 10 minutes from a mosque and because of this distance I spend almost 2 hours every day walking to and from the mosque to the five daily prayers.  I am I student and need as much time as possible for my studies. Would it be permissable for me, in order to save time, to attend only Fajr and Isha in the mosque (because of the big virtue of praying these prayers in the mosque) and pray the rest of the prayers alone at home?

Esha & Taraweeh Salaah at home

Q: We are curently performing Esha Salaah and Taraweeh Salaah at our home. The closest Musjid is about 4-5 kms away. There is a musallah which is 2 kms away. Someone mentioned to me that it isn't permissible for us to perform the esha Salaah at our home. We have to perform Esha Salaah at the Musjid and then return home to perform the Taraweeh. Please advise?

Missing the Jammat Despite making the Effort

Q:  I thought that asar jamaat at a certain musjid is 5 pm. when I reached there namaaz was over as jamaat was at 4:45pm. Will I get the reward as if I read namaaz with jamaat? once I saw that jamaat namaaz was over I went inside the musjid and read my own namaaz, even though if I drove 5 minutes away I would have got another jamaat but I didn’t do that as that would have took up my time. Will I still get the reward of namaaz with jamaat even though I could have made it to catch the jamaat somewhere else?