Making a second Jamaat

Joining a second jamaat in the masjid

Q: As you are aware, in Gulf countries, in the Masjid after the main congregation is over, there are many second and third small congregation/jamaat prayers going on in the masjid with 5 people or 6 people or 10 people ,and so forth. As far as I know, in Hanafi Fiqh, it is not considered okay to make second jamaat in the masjid. As a Hanafi, what should a tourist visiting a Gulf country or a resident of a Gulf country do if he misses the main congregation and he sees the second smaller congregations of a handful people going on? Should he join it or should he pray the fardh separately?

Making second jamaat in the sehen of the musjid

Q: In some masjids, there is a seperate entrance, like a connecting room, before the main praying hall, where people keep their shoes. The doors of the masjid first open into this entrance, and then there is another door to the main praying hall where the imam leads the salaah. Often this area is carpetted for praying. Is it allowed to make a second congregation (jamaat) in this entrance?

Second jamaat in the musjid

Q: There is a masjid inside a university where many Muslim students live, but it often does not have any jamaat salaah on Sundays, though the Friday prayer is held there.

An imam is appointed for the masjid, but he often does not come for Fajr, Isha and prayers on weekends (maybe because he lives far from the university). When the imam is not present, anyone leads the prayer. Is it correct to start a 2nd jamaat after the imam has already led the 1st jamaat salaah?

Second jamaat


1. There is a masjid inside a university where many Muslim students live, but it often does not have any jamaat on Sundays, though Friday prayer is held there. An imam is appointed for the masjid, but he often does not come for fajr, isha and prayers on weekends (maybe because he lives far from the university). Is it correct to start a 2nd jamaat after the imam has already led the 1st jamaat in Salaah?

2. Is it correct to offer Friday prayer in this mosque?

3. I led a 2nd jamaat in this masjid, but after I started, I heard someone else leading another jamaat in the corner of the masjid. I did not know this before I started. Will I and my muqtadi's have to repeat the Salaah?

Second jamaat in the musjid

Q: If due to rain in certain parts of the world, Maghrib and Isha’ are prayed together in the masjid. Would it be permissible for Hanafis to conduct a second congregational Isha’ prayer in that masjid, because it is forbidden to conduct second congregation prayer in a masjid?

Making a second jamaat in the Musjid

Q: If a group of people, who are not musaafirs, come late to the musjid after the first Jamaat is over, will it be better for each person to perform his Salaah individually or for them to make a second jamaat? Will the same ruling apply if they perform their Salaah in the sehn of the musjid? (i.e. will it be better for each person to perform his Salaah individually or for them to make a second jamaat in the sehn?)

Performing a second jamaat in the Musjid


1. Is it true that it is Makruh according to the Hanafi Madhab to perform a second Jum'ah Jamat in a Masjid where the main Jamat has already taken place? The reason given for having a second Jum'ah Jamat is so as to make it easy for those that are doctors or teachers in a school and may find it difficult to get time off. The counter argument to this is that one must fit round the Fardh Salah time and not the other way round?

2. Is it Makruh in the Hanafi Madhab to perform a second Fardh Salah Jamat in a Masjid where the main Jamat has already taken place?

3. What is the position regarding having two or three Eid Jamats in one Masjid due to lack of space? The Salafis in our area manage to perform Salah in a field but we as Hanafis don't. In some cases the reason for not performing outdoors is because of inclement weather. Is this a valid reason to perform Salah in the Masjid?