rejecting the hadith

Rejecting the Hadith

Q: I am working in Birmingham city university and some of my Muslim colleagues due to spending most of his time around non believers are a bit away from deen. He has this objection against hadith that we should just follow the Quran as its authentic and not Hadith. I do try explain him that without hadith one cannot understand Islam. Can you please help with it as you can provide me some verses from Quran so that I can relate it to him and any other means to make him understand.

A person who rejects the Hadith

Q: Is a follower or believer of the group or sect USI ( United Submitters International) a group founded by Rashad Khalifa an Egyptian native in the USA still in the fold of Islam or is he out of the fold of Islam? They believe primarily only in Quran though having their own English interpretation. They have no regard for sunnah and Hadith describing it as innovation and tradition contrary to the teachings of Quran. Would Nikkah to such a follower or believer be valid? Please give a detailed clarification and reasons for such. Urgent response much appreciated.