Sadaqatul Fitr

Father discharging sadaqatul fitr on behalf of his baaligh children

Q: Will sadaqatul fitr be discharged if the father discharged it on behalf of his baaligh children (who have above the nisaab amount but he still looks after them) but they were only informed that the sadaqatul fitr was discharged in their behalf a few days after Ramadan ended. He pays their sadaqatul fitr every year but forgot to actually mention it to them this year before discharging it.

Sadaqatul fitr

Q: Please clarify the following:

1. Is fitrah obligatory on every individual or is it the duty of the head of the household to pay it on Eid-ul-Adha?

2. If the fitrah wasn't paid on time then what is due on the person?

3. How much is fitrah?

Sadaqatul fitr

Q: Is it permissible to give money (Cash) as Zakaatul Fitr instead of dates or barley? Because it is very difficult to find a poor muslim who to take actual food to in the locality in which I live. Also, is it permissible to give Zakaatul-Fitr in the middle of Ramadan instead of waiting till Eid?