mastooraat jamaat

Purpose of jamaat and comparing it to jihaad

Q: A very slight doubt has recently crept into my mind regarding Tablighi Jamaat, (a few men began using this as an escape from their responsibilities)

1. What is the intention and reason one goes for jamaat?

2. Is it advisable for women to go for Mastoorah jamaat?

3. Can one put Jamaat on the same level of going out in the path of Allah for Jihaad? (So far as reward is concerned?)

Tablighi Jamaat

Q: I have question regarding Tablighi Jamaat and their work, although it is not a time to ask this question as there is already some differences among them, but I am forced to ask this because as per an old proverb it is said that “Excess of everything is bad”.

I consider Tablighi Jamaat as a most influential Deeni work and consider it to be Haqq as our Ulema-i-Haqq does, do support them, I try to help them by any means whatever is possible. I consider the tasks of  Tablighi Jamaat a best way to spread the message of Allah Ta'ala, but in spite of above mentioned facts and Fazaail, it must clear to all of us what is its Status of Tablighi Jamaat  as per Islam/Shariyat.

Mufti Sahib for the sake of Allah Tala, kindly answer me the below questions and I am asking only for the sake of Allah Tala.

1. What is the Sharia Status of  Tablighi Jamaat (and its work),  is it Fardh, is it Waajib, is it Mustahab. (Kindly me the what is Ijma (إجماع) on this work)

2. If a person has a little free time and he has a choice to either go to attend Tablighi Aamaal or to help her wife and parents at home especially
when the kids are small, and he is not in a position to have a female servant or any helper who can help their family members. As per Shariyat Which one should he give preference? And for his own Islah he spare 1-2 Hours time in a week to attend his Sheikh’s Majlis.

3. What is the rule of a person or a group who consider Mustahab work equally as a Fardh, who insist or compel others to perform Mustahab work as are done for Fardh or Waajib.

4. Is there any Sharia rule,  that if a person comes near to Deen becomes religious with the help of some  Deeni Work  e.g Tablighi Jamaat, now is it compulsory for him as per Shariyat to do this work?

5. If a person has a time to attend Tablighi Jamaat and Tablighi Aamaal but still he does not attend either of Tablighi Aamaal, he consider it as one of the Islamic Work and tells I do not have Munasibat with this work, I do support it, but I will do the Deeni work by other means. Is he a Sinner as per Shariyat?

Mastooraat jamaat

Q: Recently I have noticed that there is an increase in women jamaats (masturaat) coming in our area. Please advise as my wife who attends the weekly taleems has been asked to join the outbound masturaat jamaat with her nephew who is in jamaat being her mahram. Please advise and give your opinion as my personal view is that it is not necessary for females to be out.

Mastooraat Jamaat

Q: I spent four months in tableeghi jamath and I am attached with this jamaat. I have some questions regarding masturath (ladies). Can I go in jamaat with my wife, sister, mother? Is it acceptable in shariah or should I only spend time in jamaat?