wazifa for protection

Wazifa for protection

Q: It has been a while since we've noticed spots of blood appearing in our garage, backyard and rooftop. It is dark brown clotted blood and exactly round spots with no spills. We do not have any pets at home as well. Last night we heard crows around 12 am and when we went out there was blood again. What should we do?

Wazifa for protection

Q: My son is 4 years old. He says that he is able to see insects who are opening their mouths and coming near to him. He gets very scared before sleeping. Before he goes to bed I read the daily sleeping duas for him but I want to know why he sees these insects.

Wazifa for safe pregnancy

Q: I had a miscarriage in April due to no baby heartbeat. Now I conceived again Alhumdulilah but yesterday I went for ultrasound and they said that there is a baby without foetal pole and they said that I should come back in a week to check the baby's heartbeat again. Please suggest any dua which I can recite and Allah give a heartbeat to my baby and I will be safe from miscarriage. 

Verification of an aayat

Q: On the night of Miraj, I was told by my teacher that our Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was followed by a jinn or Shaytan, and that the angel taught Nabi Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) a few words to recite to remove the bad jinn. Is the verse in the Quran? I was told to recite this powerful dua to protect myself.

Protection from nazar

Q: We are a close family of 4. Our 2 grown up sons still live at home. We have just had a terrible start to 2017 with car acccidents one after the other. People are always paying me compliments about me sons and their good manners and also their looks are Marsha Allah (forgive me if I sound vain). We hear people talk about nazar. I do not want to believe it as I make my daily salaah and read my 4 Quls and make lots dua for my sons which Alhamdulillallah, Allah has accepted as they were never hurt in the accidents but the cars were written off or damaged badly. If it is nazar, like everyone says, what must I do?