
Using the wealth of someone who does not pay zakaat

Q: My husband does not pay zakah on his savings even after reminders that it is a fardh and the punishment of not fulfilling this fardh. My question is that he gives me momey for the maintenance of the house and for my needs and that of our children, is it sinful for me to use his money? I do fear that him not paying his zakah may bring a calamity (Allah Ta'ala forbid) on our family.

Claiming 50% of the spouses wealth after divorce

Q: I live in Canada, I need some information about divorce in Islam. In Canadian law if a couple goes for divorce, every thing is divided into 50% plus spousal support and child support. My wife is the house maker, I make money and I even made some money before I got married. Can my wife claim 50% of my assets in Islamic law or can I claim 50% of her assets. How should the money be divided in Islam after divorce, please also explain about child support and spousal support.

We are married almost 11 years but we did not have peace in our married life. What is the extortion point where I should decide to leave. Can you guide us when we can take this decision?

Maintenance of children after divorce

Q: If a woman who is divorced has two daughters; 21 and 18 years. The mother is a teacher and working, thus earning and seeing to the needs of the family. The father has no contact and does not support his daughters.

1) Who's responsibility is it to see to the needs of the two daughters?

2) In the event of the father passing on, who is next in category to sustain the daughters?

3) Can zakaat be given to them to sustain their needs currently?

4) Is it the responsibility of the mother to sustain the daughters, albeit the two daughters have already passed the age of maturity?

5) What/When will the two daughters be eligible to be aided with zakaat for their needs?

Custody of the children and providing maintenance

Q: In the case of divorce, which parent has the right of custody of the children and up to what age? If a certain parent has the right of custody then can that parent prevent the other parent from visiting the children? Similarly, I would like to know which parent has to provide maintenance for the children. If the children have wealth, can their wealth be used for the maintenance? What exactly does maintenance entail and will the expenses of the children's education also fall under maintenance?