Various masaail of Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat

Finding fault with the imaams of the masjid

Q: There's a few brothers in a masjid who usually don't like when any scholars from different localities come to their masjid, when jamaat comes and even their own Imaams. They find fault in them. For example, they say that one person is reading too fast, another is making ruku and sajdah too long and they only come when the Imaam has to go on the mimbar for the khutbah.

Will their Salaah be accepted like how they don't appreciate their Imaams? Please advise as to what the normal brothers can do and also what the Imaams can do.

Muqtadi saying the takbeer when moving to different postures

Q: Is saying transitional takbeer (Allahu Akbar) when going to ruku, sujood, qiyaam obligatory upon the individual praying behind an imam or can he just follow the imam.

I have performed many prayers behind the imam and I thought I wasn’t obligated to say the takbeer besides takbeer al ihram. Would my previous prayers be invalid otherwise even if I were unaware?