Those things which render the Salaah invalid

Swallowing drops of water from one's face during salaah

Q: Sometimes I go straight to prayer after I make wudu and some left over water from my face falls into my mouth. I heard that drinking during prayer invalidates prayer. Apparently I did not deliberately drink the water that falls from my face into my mouth and it is almost impossible for me to stop myself from swallowing it along with my saliva once it gets into my mouth. What should I do?

Seeing blood on one's clothing after Salaah


1. If one finds his garment stained with blood, would he need to repeat his salah performed while wearing that garment? (bleeding due to shaving unneeded hairs and ghusl performed after that). Would his wudu be broken due to bleeding and will the clothes be considered napak? The stain was less thn an inch in all dimensions.

2. If the salaah needs to be repeated, would only the Fard salah be repeated or sunan and nawafil as well?