Those things which render the Salaah invalid

Toes touching the ground in sajdah

Q: Majority of the time when I do sujood, my little toe doesn't touch the ground and perhaps the two besides it, but the big toe and one next to it  mostly do if not all do, so, is all toes touching the ground with pressure waajib/Fard, if so should one make movements in sujood or seating to ensure they touch the ground? Also I am not able to remember all the times this has happened, a lot though.

Laughing in Salaah

Q: I understand that if one laughs aloud in Salaah, his wudhu breaks, and if he laughs silently, only his Salaah breaks. However, I wish to know what constitutes a loud laugh and what constitutes laughing silently. Also, is a smile considered laughter?