Things which render the Salaah Makrooh

Performing salaah with animate pictures on one's clothes


1. If one prayed salaah while wearing clothes with a human picture which one missed to see and saw only after looking at them carefully, would those salaahss be valid? Does one need to repeat those salaahs?

2. What about praying salaah in clothes which have clear human/animal pictures?

3. If one prays next to or in front or behind someone wearing such clothes or wearing a work ID with visible picture of the person (around 2 inches in lenth and 2 inches in width) would the salaah be valid due to being in close proximity of a picture?

Saying the word "sana" and "durood" before reciting sana and durood in salaah


1. Zaid said the word sana before reciting the complete subhanakalluhamma wabihamdika... in salah, is the salah valid?

2. Zaid said the word Durood Ebrahim before reciting the whole Durood Ebrahim in salah, is the salah valid?

3. Zaid said the word dua before reciting the whole dua in salah, is the salah valid?

Yawning in salaah


1. I covered my mouth with my hand when I was yawning during salah but quickly put my hand down.

2. The next time I yawned I believe I just stopped reciting and let it happen.

3. In another salah, I yawned, however I continued reciting as I yawned.

Are my salah’s fine?

What should I do if I yawn in salah?

Shortening one's salaah if one is afraid that someone might come in the room

Q: Is it sinful to shorten a prayer if you’re either afraid if you don’t, then someone might come in the room and mistakenly walk in front of you or because you don’t want them to hear you (I deal with anxiety)?

A few weeks ago, I shortened a prayer once by leaving some sunnahs due to the first scenario. Do I have to repeat it?

Performing salaah with the urge of relieving oneself

Q: I am taking a class that goes from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Hence it covers asr and maghrib prayers. The class is located far away from where I live. In order to maintain purity (wudhu) for both prayers (there is no cleaning facility at the class location) I used to hold myself not to urine during the entire 3 hour session. Hence for both prayers, especially for the maghrib prayer, I am exerting a huge effort not to let anything come out during the prayer (3 hours are very long). Is my prayer valid?

In addition, even though I tried my best, I cannot guarantee that my pants is 100% clean when I start praying as it is possible that some urine come out while I was in the classroom (that is outside the prayer, before it starts). Does this possible impurity affect my prayer? I almost did my best but I really don't know if my prayers are valid.