choosing a spouse

Experiencing difficulty in finding a suitable spouse

Q: I am looking to get married. But in today's society it seems impossible to find a girl who isn't involved in social media and shameless behaviour and dress code. How can one go about finding a good pious girl that will be a good match? I've been making istikhara for many months for the same girls. How does one tell what the istikhara indicates towards?

Choosing a life partner

Q: During the passed month of Ramadhaan, I engaged myself in dua few minutes before iftaar time. I asked Allah for indication for a suitable spouse, immediately after terminating the dua, my parents mentioned a girl to me. Should I accept this as an answer? What would be a permissible means to initiate a marriage proposal. It is to be noted that I do not know who this girl is. I have met her father a couple of times before, but just in passing.

Choosing between two proposals

Q: There is a boy who's character is very good and praised by all but he doesn't wear topi, jubba and all. He wears normal clothes, he has very humble character and has the desire to learn more about Deen as he has little knowledge about it. On the other hand there is another guy who is a very strong tableeghi boy. He dresses according to Islam, he has Deeni knowledge also, but his character is normal (not so rude not so humble). Whom should a girl prefer to marry?