
Whose duty is it to pay for the household necessities?

Q: I am currently working for my father whereby I am in a secluded office doing his book work. For this I earn a wage. My husband also earns a reasonable wage and my question is:

1. Should I, as the wife, pay for household necessities and groceries or is it the duty of my husband? Please bear in mind that my husband and I are newly married and I have not had the confidence to bring up money matters with him as yet.

2. How do I go about discussing this with him in a sensible manner?

Avoiding places of fithna

Q: There is this particular place where there are meat shops and vegetable/fruit areas. This place is also flocked with men and I can't keep my eyes averted from them on the floor for long. I usually ask my parents not to go there, or at least leave me home, but we usually always go there since that is about the only place we know to buy meat from. What should I do in this situation? I do cover my face and body before stepping out, but my eyes are exposed.

Going out to purchase something with another woman


1. Can a I ask a Muslim woman who usually does not wear burqa while going out to accompany me to go nearby shops to buy necessary house hold items? Please note that I wear burqa and cover up myself while going out and there is no male in our house to buy things so we have to ask some neighbour ladies to accompany us for shopping and all.

2. Our relative lady knows driving can we go with her in their car to buy things? Please note that she doesn't wear burqa and drives the car.

3. If a woman drives car wearing burqa but face is uncovered can we go with her somewhere?