


1.A person has a big step down (e.g. 1m) in front of him. Would this be considered a sutra? i.e. if someone walks past in front he would see their waist

2. What would be the case if the step was small, eg 15cm?

Sutra of the Imaam

Q: I know that the sutra of the imam is counted as the sutra for the followers, making it ok to pass in between the rows of the followers. But what if the imam has no sutra, will it then be impermissible to walk in between the rows of the followers?

Walking in front of a person who is performing Salaah


  1. There is a narration which gives severe warnings for those who walk in front of a person who is performing salaah. If there is a person praying in the main prayer hall of the musjid, how far in front of him should we pass and be not considered to have walked in front of the person performing  salaah as mentioned in the narration?
  2. If I perform sunnah salaah in the musjid and after I finish, I find someone also performing salaah exactly behind me, whether it's one row or several rows behind, should I wait till he finishes then get up to leave, or I can just immediately get up and whether this is considered as walking in front of people performing salaah?