
Reciting qunoot in 2 rakaats if one doubts the rakaats

Q: In the witr prayer, if a person has a doubt as to whether they are performing the first rakat or the second rakat and this doubt occurs quite often and because their heart is not inclined towards either rakat that person chooses the lesser number and performs the first rakat along with the tashahhud because it is possible that this could be the second rakat. In the second rakat does this person have to recite the qunoot because it is possible that this could be the third rakat? In the third rakat, does this person have to recite the qunoot again along with prostration of forgetfulness.

Qunoot-e-Naazilah in Fajr Salaah

Q: I follow Hanafi madhab. Since a few days, our Imam is praying dua in fardh of fajr salaah. On the very first occasion he did this dua in the fardh of fajr in the second rakah before going to ruku and from the next day he started doing it after getting up from ruku.

Now with the differnce in these 2 days, is our fardh salaah valid on both occassions? I know about the special prayers to make when in distress if the Islamic world is facing problems but is it allowed in the Hanafi madhab?

Substitute for due-e-qunoot

Q: I am a person who due to illness cannot concentrate on anything for too long and cannot follow conversations. When I perform my Witr Salaah I cannot recall the Qunoot and sometimes I start then get muddled up and cannot continue further. Prior to my illness I used to recite the qunoot, however now I cannot. Will my salaah be accepted without the qunoot? Is there something which can substitute the Qunoot?