Ibn taymiyyah

Ibnu Taymiyyah

Q: My question is pertaining to Ibnu taymiyyah. He is someone that deemed the Mongol invaders of the Muslim world to be non Muslim as they didn't rule according to the Law of Allah, he didn't say the same though about his own rulers even though they were not exactly entirely applying sharia and he was loyal to them and never instructed jihad against them. Did he do so on the grounds he thought it is wrong to fight the ruler or did he not deem his rulers as non Muslim in the same way he did the Mongols and if so why didn't he deem his own Mamluk rulers also non Muslim for not ruling by the Law of Allah?

Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullah)

Q: The Salafi sect considers Ibn Taymiyyah as their leader.We, the Sunni Hanafi Deobandis obviously disagree with Ibn Taymiyyah on many issues. However, I have read that some of our elders considered Ibn Taymiyyah to be a Mujtahid in his own right. If I am not wrong, even Hazrat Thaanwi has written this. Is this correct that Ibn Taymiyyah was a Mujtahid and hence exempted from Taqleed of any of the four madhabs?