married woman

Married woman making istikhaara to get married to another man

Q: I'm married for ten years. I was having problems with my husband and during the problems times I was supported by a male colleague who is married as well. I started to have feelings for him and it was vice versa. We did istikara namaaz to know whether we can be together. However he got a positive response in his dreams while when I did for me and my husband on the first day I was my husband with a white shirt and second day I saw a green object. Then I did for me and the person whom I have a feeling for I saw red object on first day on second day I saw a girl dressed in black crying as she was unhappy. Third day I saw red object. Forth day I saw a white car and fifth day I saw a red object. That person did istikhara for me and him and he saw me in white dress in a white room and on some other days he saw black things.