birth control pills

Guidelines for a Muslim Pharmacist when dispensing medication

Q: I am a pharmacist who owns a retail pharmacy and would like to know the shariah ruling on stocking and selling the following types of medication:

1. Tablets and capsules containing porcine and non-certified bovine gelatin. 

2. A number of medicines which contain alcohol as a major part of ingredients and many which contain alcohol as a preservative.

3. Medicines which contain ingredients which people can become addicted to e.g. codeine-based products like pain killers, etc.

4. The permissibility of transacting with patients on medical aid.

5. The sale of contraceptive pills and morning after pills to prevent conception.

Taking birth control pills

Q: I am a first time mum and my baby is almost three months. I feel I might be pregnant due to not getting my menses on time. Is it permissible for me to take a pill? I feel my child is still too small and I don't want her right of being breastsfed not be fulfilled to her stipulated age. However, I just feel I could be pregnant. It is not for certain.

Using a pill to regulate one's period


1. Is it permissible for a woman who has irregular cycles to use the pill in order to regulate her cycle so that she may be pure for her Nikah?

2. If she does not, and her menses begin on the day of her Nikah, what should be done?

3. If she is in her menses on her first night, when should her husband lead her in Salaah as is advised to do on the first night?


Q: My question is regarding the Islamic teachings of having offsprings after marriage as Islam strictly prohibits the birth control methods. I have three kids. All unplanned and my husband blames me for having them as he suggested to abort the second and third one. Allah blessed me with a boy and two girls but my husband keeps saying at least 5-10 times per day that we have a lot of children and blames me for having them. What should I do? How to save myself from the mental trauma as he blames every single thing on having babies?