breaking the fast

Diabetic breaking his fast

Q: A diabetic, against the advice of a medical practitioner, fasts during the month of Ramadhan. Most days he manages quite well and is able to complete the fast. But now and then, he experiences hypoglycemia (very low blood sugar level) and then there is no alternative but to eat something immediately as otherwise it can lead to unconsciousness or coma within 2 minutes.

In the circumstances, what then is the penalty (if any) for each fast so broken and is it imperative to make up the missed fasts after Ramadhan or is one excused? And is Kaffara also payable and, if so, how much for each broken fast?

Breaking one's fast due to being intimate with one's wife

Q: During ramadhaan, whilst fasting I got intimate with my wife. We did not have actual relations at first but satisfied one another using our hands. i.e: I made inzaal. And satisfied her using my hands. However after that before iftaar, thinking that our fasts are already broken, we ate food and we had actual relations. Will kaffaarah become binding or only qadha? I am studying aalim course and I know what I did requires a lot of reformation and taubah but from what I understand, there will only be qadha in this case and no kaffaarah. Please advise.

Breaking the fast through masturbating


1) If a person intentionally keeps masturbating and ejaculating during whole ramazan since he fasted 1st roza of his life so will masturbating and ejaculating broke his roza?

2) If rozas have broken due to masturbating will he have to done qaza for each roza or he will have to pay kaffara for each roza?

3) What is the qaza and kaffara of one broken roza intentionally?