Qadha Salaah

Non-heir discharging the fidya for the missed Salaahs of the deceased

Q: Previously I asked about a man who passed away but for the majority of his life did not pray Salaah. As per your previous reply, fidya can be given on behalf of the deceased: What do the Ulama state about a person who is not an heir but is related to the deceased, can they give the fidya on his behalf? Furthermore, how does one calculate the fidya per Salaah?

The Law of a Saahib-e-Tarteeb


1. A person missed his Asr Salaah and only found the time to perform the Qadhaa of this Asr, when the time of Maghrib was about to expire. In this situation, if he performs the Qadhaa of Asr first, the Maghrib Salaah will become Qadhaa. Which Salaah should he perform in this time, the Maghrib Salaah or the Qadhaa of the Asr Salaah?

2. If a person missed a Salaah and the time of the next Salaah has now set in, which Salaah should he perform first, the Salaah that he missed or the Salaah of the time that set in?