Qadha of Witr, Sunnats and Nafl

Repeating Esha fardh and sunnat if the fardh was invalid


1. If we perform Esha Fard, sunnat and witr and nafl but after the time of the prayer has expired we realized that the fard was not valid, what qadha do we need to offer (from the Fard, sunnat, witr and nafl)?

2. If we perform Esha Fard, sunnat, witr and nafl and before the time has expired, we realized that the fard was not valid, what do we we need to repeat (from Fard, sunnat, witr and nafl)?

Does one have to make qadha of the Witr Salaah if the Esha Salaah was not valid

Q: A person performed his Esha and Witr Salaah on a particular day. Later, he realized that his Esha Salaah was not valid (after the time for Esha and Witr had expired). Should he just perform the qada of Esha (since it was invalid) or should he also perform the qada of Witr (even though he performed witr correctly)?