Salaah of a sick person

Performing Salaah while seated on a chair

Q: I cannot sit in qa'dah position in salaah. Normally we use a chair only for qa'dah and sajdah and I stand in qiyaam. A person told me that I cannot stand in while performing salaah in jamaat. The reason being that you will not in be line with the saff and I will be standing in front of the the saff due to the chair being in line with the saff. Should I sit or stand?

Salaah for patients in hospitals

Q: I often do work in hospitals and come across Muslim patients. When speaking to them, I realise that they are not reading their salaah because sometimes they have urine catherters attached to them/nappys/weak in bed and unable to keep themselves paak. Some say they just don’t feel clean in hospital environment or are too weak to make wudhu, etc. How must I advise them?