
Pharmacist receiving gifts from companies for prescribing their products

Q: I am working as a pharmacist in a big hospital. Our market is a generic market where the doctor prescribes the chemical name on the prescription rather than the brand name. The brand is selected by the pharmacist. The same medicine will be sold by different pharmaceutical companies under different brand names but will have the same chemical name. Example, the chemical paracetamol is in brand names like adol, calpol, panadol, tylenol, etc.

My question is that representatives from the pharmaceutical companies come to us and tell us that if we sell their company brand, they will give us some vouchers or a gift. Is taking this gift or voucher from the reps of the pharmaceutical companies allowed in Islam?

Using cannabis oil

Q: Cannabis oil is used to treat cancer. I would like to know if it is permissible to take cannabis oil for medical reasons, namely arthiritis. Consumption of excessive quantities at one go may lead to intoxication however I intend to take very little which will not lead to intoxication.

Taking gelatine for medicinal purposes

Q: I have severe knee pain and joints problem so I need to use gelatine for cure but there is no gelatine which is halaal. There is a gelatine which says kosher. Please guide whether I can consume this as a medicine or not? Then there is agar agar gelatine which comes from sea weeds but it does not help with joint repair. Please help me with this matter. Otherwise I'll have to go for cartilage repair surgery.