Breaking the Salaah

Breaking a nafil Salaah

Q: A person is performing two rakaats of a Nafl Salaah, either Tahujjud, Chaast, or Ishraaq. During this salaah, his wudu breaks. By the time wudu is made and he returns to repeat this broken Nafl salaah, the time for that Salaah expires.

1. Is Qaza necessary?

2. If so, should it be performed at any particilar time?

Repeating witr Salaah

Q: I had prayed witr, and few minutes later I thought I had forgot to make sajdah sahw so I decided to re-pray it. I made intention for witr and made takbir and after it I realised that I prayed the witr correctly so I made salam and left the prayer without completing it. Then I thought, since I started and broke it, I must pray it either way. So I prayed it. Is what I did correct?