surah ikhlaas


Q: Suratul Ikhlaas! A man was walking and he saw this written on a wall: 'Qul huwa Allaahu ahad, Allahus Samad, Lam yalid WA lam youlad, Wa lam yakoul lahu koufuwan ahad.' So he sat and read it, while he was reading it a man was watching him and Came to him and said 'Do you know that you have got at least 470 hasanas (Blessings) just for reading this! The person who wrote this on the wall also got 470 hasanas; Even you (who is reading this mail) have 470 hasanas. And you don't even realised that you've read 1/3 of Quran, so press forward and let more people get 470 hasanas, and 1/3 of Quran. Don't forget, each time someone reads this mail and gets hasanat so do you. When there is only a single star left in the sky. At that very moment, the path of forgiveness will close. The writing in the Qur'an will vanish. The sun will lower itself with the earth. Prophet Muhammad SAW said, 'Who ever delivers this news to someone else, I will on the Day of Judgment make for him a place in Jannat.' Please pass this to every Muslim u know, if each muslim says Astaghfirullah wa atubu ilaih 3 times now and forward, in a few seconds billions will have said it and it may calm Allah's anger You've got nothing to loose so pass on. Jazakallah. Is the above authentic?

Reciting Surah Ikhlaas in the first two rakaats of fardh Salaah


1. Dua I read in tashahud is: Attehhiyyatu, attayibatu, assalavatu, azzakiyyatu Lillahi. Assalamu ala nabiyi va rahmatalluahi va barakatuhu, assalamu aleina va ale ibadillahi ssalihin…. I read it was narrated by Aisha (Radiyallahu Anha) that after the death of our Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) this dua was recited. Could you please tell me how authentic this hadeeth is?

2. Can I be reading this dua instead of assalamu aleyka ayyuhen nabiyu…. If I feel inside of me that I am calling to Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and it gives me waswasa that I am making shirk? Will my salah be valid in shaa Allah? And if I have no waswasa but just like this dua more because it gives me no doubts and there is no direct addressing to Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), is it ok to read it?

3. I like to read Surah ikhlaas in the first two rakahs of fard namaz and in all rakahs of Sunnah namaz. I absolutely love this Surah and I know hadeeth that someone also always read it in all rakahs and nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said that Allah also loves you for loving this surah. Can I continue doing so in shaa Allah? Please explain why you say it is makrooh so I can explain to my friends too?

4. In case your answer is negative in 3, can I be reading in the first rakah - surah fatiha, ihlas and first verse of falaq and in second rakah – surah fatiha and Ihlaas? I know so far - fatiha, ihlas falak, nas and ayat al kursi. But I hope in shaa Allah to read ihlas in all rakahs is not a problem, please kindly answer.