The importance of Salaah

Omitting Salaah in college

Q: I usually get dropped off to college around 9AM and by the time I get picked up from college, the time for zuhr and asr prayer are already passed. Is it sinful for me to not be praying those salah? Is it okay for me to make up for the missed salah by praying the optional rakats of Maghrib and Isha?

Forgoing Salaah

Q: I want to ask that I am a university student and often it happens to me that I miss prayer due to classes. So I want to ask that how I can I perform my prayers after the time of that particular prayer has ended?

Omitting Salaah due to illness

Q: I had an outpatient surgical procedure on my back this morning. Al-Hamdu-Lillah, it went well. However, I was put to sleep for the procedure and am now home. Subban'allah, I was able to pray Salat Fajr early this morning before departing for the hospital - however, I was still in recovery semi conscious when Dhuhr Salah time came and went. I greatly desire to offer Asr, Maagrib and Isha today - however, I am still in tremendous pain from the procedure, am still foggy and not clear headed from the anesthesia and post surgical pain medication I was given (I was in excruciating pain after waking up), am feeling nauseous from the anesthesia - and also wonder how do I make wudu given the fresh wound of the place of the IV is on my hand? Should I try to get in the prayers today under the circumstances, or would it be better to wait until tomorrow when I will be stronger, more clear-headed and in far less pain in order to pray with proper concentration and make up the missed prayers after offering regular Salah at their proper times? I am still dizzy from the medications I was given today and right now am laying down and not in the state of wudu. I'm very concerned and don't know what the right thing to do is.

Omitting Salaah

Q: I suffer from a sever depersonalisation disorder. It prevents me from praying with reverence. I want to pray and I am now trying to memorize as much as I can of the holy Quran. I am so sad I want to pray but I can't feel that while I am praying I am standing between in front of Allah Ta'ala. I have been struggling with it for 7 years and I always make dua' and do everything I can to stop it from letting me live a normal life. I want to know what should I do? Am I being a bad Muslim because I keep skipping prayers?

School not allowing pupils to perform Salaah

Q: I am from the UK and currently in school. I am baaligh and unfortunately the school does not facilitate for us any place for Salaah. What should I do? It is compulsory to attend school but what can I do if they don't allow us to pray Salaah and we have lessons during Salaah time. Now in winter, we will definitely miss Asr Salaah. They don't allow you even for 5 Minutes to go pray and come back. Please advise me.

Being concerned about performing Salaah on it's prescribed time

Q: There are various scenarios in which there could be difficulty in me performing Salaah at its prescribed time (of which I have noted four examples below):

a) Being kidnapped and held at gunpoint for a couple of hours

b) The little room in my workplace (which the hierarchy of the company have allowed me to use for Salah during my break times) being occupied by others for a one-off meeting they are having

c) Bleeding from a wound or a cut for a couple of hours

d) Waking up about 15 minutes before Fajar time ends to find that nocturnal emission has taken place and realizing that there is not sufficient time for me to have a ghusl and pray Fajar.

My questions:

1. If I become a person of Taqwa, it is absolutely impossible for any of the four scenarios mentioned above (or similar scenarios) from occurring? (The reason for asking this is that in a previous answer, Muftisaab stated that when Allah says in Surah Talaaq “And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out”, it refers to any difficulty that a person may be in. Surely this would also relate to difficulties in performing Salaah at its prescribed time).

2. Would I become a kafir if I believe or state that such scenarios could – on the rare one-off occasion – take place even if I fear Allah and keep my duty to Him? Having such a belief would surely mean that a person has rejected the second verse of Surah Talaq? Yes? No?