The importance of Salaah

Not performing Salaah due to laziness

Q: Zeid doesn't pray salaat regularly because of laziness. He has been told by a Hanafi maulana that this is not kufr (however it is fisq). But, there is an opinion related from Imam Ahmad that leaving salat because of laziness is kufr. If Imam Ahmad's opinion turns out to be the correct one, what will happen to Zeid? Will he be a kafir who is forever destined for hell, or will he be excused since he is a Hanafi and acted according to the information given to him by Hanafi ulema?

Not performing Fajr Salaah


  1. Someone prays all Salaahs on time except the Fajr prayer which he misses for many reasons. One is that he watches TV, etc. Will Allah (SWT) accept from him the four prayers if he doesn't pray Salat Al-Fajr? 
  2. I have sleep problem, I don't fall asleep easily.  I try using alarm to wake me up for fajr salah but it doesn't works.  If I wake up for fajr I can't fall asleep again so can I pray fajr as qaza during zuhr time, praying as qaza would fajr be valid?

Foregoing Salaah

Q: I am 18 and currently studying in university. During Ramadhaan, I used to pray 5 times a day and would read Qur'an everyday. But ever since Ramadhaan ended, I haven't been praying my Salaah very often. I really want to start praying 5 times a day but I don't know how to start. Every time I think of starting to pray, I become lazy and delay my Salaah. Please tell me what I should do to start praying everyday and come closer to my Deen. I've wasted a lot of time doing useless things rather then praying my Salaah. If I start praying 5 times a day, will Allah Ta'ala forgive me for not praying my past Salaahs?

The importance of Salaah

Q: I want you to tell me some waizfa so that I can become namzi. In ... I used to offer prayer and recite tasbeeh, but since I came to ... I hardly offer prayer. Please I am really worried. Every night I promise myself to pray but during the day I don't end up praying. Please give me some dua?

Taking one's work break in Salaah time

Q: I would like to know if there is any labour law that states that an employee is allowed to take his or her breaks at work when it is Salaah times eg. @1pm for Zuhr then Asr, Maghrib & Esha & for the month of Ramadaan do we as muslims have the right to not work compulsory late shifts in this month in order for us to be able to perform our Tarawih Salaah. I work in a call centre enviroment & our break times are always scheduled to us out of Salaah times & some weeks we have to work late shifts from 11am to 8pm & early from 7am to 4:30pm & we are restricted to take our breaks together. I am always making my salaah past the time. I really feel very depressed when I am at work or at home for this very reason & it really eats on me all the time especially when I have heard so many talks & read many books about one who neglects his or her Salaah & yet I am still continuing to do this very sinful act over & over for so the 6 years that I am working here. Please Mufti saab I would really like you to help me & other muslims at work. 

Missing Salaah

Q: There is a lot of improvement in myself by the grace of Allah Azzawajal and by the dua of ulama-e-kiraam and  the Ahlullah. But the problem is that my Salaah gets missed when hard circumstances arises. I know that the commandment of Allah Azzawajal is most high. But I am helpless in this regard. When situations are favorable I offer Salaah in jamaaat. But while travelling or when there is no place 2 offer Salaah I can't fulfil SalaaH. I am extremely worried about that. Yesterday there was a student jamaat in our locality. I benefited a lot from that. But today only I went to a distant place for my vocational training. The musjid is very far from that place. I can't offered Salaah in open space. Kindly make dua for me and show me the path.

The Hadith of missing salaah

Q: I saw the following two hadith:

Our Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi wa-Sallam) said: "Do not forgo Salaah intentionally, lest you should get out of the fold of Islam. Do not perpetrate disobedience to Allah, lest you deserve His Wrath."

Rasulullah (Sallallaahu 'alayhi wa-Sallam) also said: "The dividing line between kufr and Imaan is Salaah." And : "A person who has missed one Salaah is like one who has lost all his family and wealth."

  1. A person who misses salaah in its time but reads it later does he lose his imaan?
  2. Is he still a muslim?