Women's Salaah

Salaah for a woman whose water broke and is in labour

Q: I would like to know what is the ruling on this particular case:

1. When a pregnant woman's water has broken and she has a bloody show, is salaah that she did not make yet now need to be made up?

2. Women were also advising another pregnant woman that until the baby's head has partly come out, she must make salaah that is due at that time as well as if dilation has been checked she must make ghusl (if she needs to make salaah) as the nurse/doctor has put their fingers inside. What is the correct view?

Females placing their elbows on the ground when making sajdah

Q: According to the Hanafi mazhab, females are supposed to be close to the ground during sajdah and should therefore put their elbows on the ground. But there is a Hadith in which Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) says that doing so is imitating dogs. Maybe that hadith was meant only for men, but just to be on the safe side, am I allowed to raise my elbows off the ground?