Women's Salaah

Performing salaah with a thin scarf


1. When I tie a scarf around my head to pray, it sometimes moves or my hair can be seen through the material or my shoulder or neck can be seen through as it is slightly (not very) see through because of this I feel my prayer has been invalidated. Is this true? I of course wear clothes under the scarf but if the scarf is slightly see through, will this invalidate my namaz?

2. All the namaz I have been reading with this scarf, so if my namaz is invalid, would this mean my nikah would be invalidated?

Women's rukoo

Q: I was bowing in ruku and usually I tend to bend my knees slightly when doing so because apparently that is how a woman’s salah is supposed to be according to Hanafi mazhab. My hands are usually clasped around my knees. I suddenly remembered that I read that women aren't supposed to clasp their hands over their knees and was going to move them. I believe I intended on moving my body and arms a little up so the tips of my fingers would reach the top of my knees. I ended up not really moving much I think - I only moved my hands a little up I think.

1. Is my salah fine?

2. Would my salah have been invalidated if I moved my arms and body up too?

Imaam of the Haram making intention for leading women in Salaah

Q: It is sunnah for women to offer salah at home. However, when performing tawaaf, if the time of salaah enters, then should she read it with jamaat behind the imaam in the haram? After the salaah ends, many women are offering individual salaah. Is there a sin if I walk infront of them? There is too much of a rush so one cannot wait for all the women to finish salaah. What should one do in this situation?

Women facing their toes towards the qiblah during sajdah?

Q: In salah I mistakely thought women were supposed to point both toes towards the qibla in sajdah because I felt like I remembered reading an instruction which said that. My feet were both on the ground horizontally, however the toes were towards the qibla. I’d like to believe my past prayers were ok? Are prayers ok even if women follow the man’s way?